Offering Counselling services in Northern Ireland.
Face to Face
Telephone & Zoom counselling
Well-being check-in calls.
How we can help
Sadness and stress, inevitable in life, are sometimes experienced as bearable but at other times feel harder to tolerate. We can feel stuck in our circumstances, unclear as to how to move forward. Emotional stress can take a toll on our physical health too – appetite, digestion and weight issues, fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, tension, skin problems, etc.
Sometimes loved ones can help. Sometimes their suggestions, advice and opinions can unintentionally cause us further frustration. We may not feel heard or understood in the way we need to be.
Therapy offers a calm, caring environment where your voice can be heard, your story told without fear of judgement and your feelings expressed openly. We work, at your pace, on issues you wish to address, to help you find relief from stress and distress, and solutions to your problems. We can explore your current situation and also past events and relationships which have contributed positively or negatively to your life and may have shaped how you view yourself, other people and how you see life and the world in general. We can talk about your hopes for the future, the things that are missing in your life, the things you’re longing and yearning for. We can consider new ways of thinking and living.
Therapy can be a safe and still place to sit with difficult feelings of grief and loss with your counsellor’s support. When needed it can also be an active, nurturing environment for change and growth where you can enhance your understanding of yourself and others, alter your thinking, challenge your way of living and strengthen your communication skills. The approach is tailored to fit your needs.
Some Benefits of Therapy
Insight and awareness
A more thorough understanding of yourself, why you think, act, feel as you do. Fuller understanding of the people in your life and why they might think, act, feel as they do.
Release and relief
Opportunity to release emotions that have been pressed down or only expressed minimally in front of loved ones or when alone. Relief is usually felt when you no longer feel alone with these feelings. Your therapist can show sincere interest in what you’re experiencing and work with you to ease your stress and distress.
Stronger, healthier communication skills
Learning how to be clear and assertive in work and personal life rather than too passive (people pleasing) or too aggressive.
Personal development and growth
Learning to place value on yourself, increasing your self-esteem, considering your goals and ambitions and any obstacles to achieving them.
Improving work and personal relationships
Taking time to consider how you experience other people and how they may experience you. Considering your rights and theirs and what is and isn’t healthy in relationships. Learning to express what you need and what you will and won’t tolerate. Finding new ways to approach issues to resolve them more effectively. Reflecting on what you want from each relationship
Prioritising self-care
Learning to speak to yourself more kindly, to make time for your own well-being and not just that of others so that you avoid burn-out. Exploring what self-care would look like for your personally.
Learning ways to relax and settle yourself
Practicing taking some quiet moments in your own company between sessions and beginning to find ways to experience less anxiety and more calm rather than avoiding time alone with busyness and distractions.
Exploring sensitive issues
Talking about the things which you feel embarrassed or ashamed to share with anyone else.
Hi, I’m Louise…
I’m an Integrative Counsellor which means that my training introduced me to more than one counselling theory and approach. It taught me how to draw from each, Humanistic, Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), so that I’m equipped to support each individual client with the variety of issues and needs they bring to therapy.
I’m registered with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) and have passed their rigorous accreditation process to now be listed as an Accredited member. I adhere to their Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions.
Since 2014 I’ve worked with a Belfast mental health, suicide prevention and suicidal bereavement support charity in the roles of counsellor and crisis intervention worker. I’ve worked with adult clients of all ages presenting with issues such as those I’ve listed below. I remain with this charity as a sessional worker in both roles. I’ve also worked in a busy GP practice providing counselling sessions to clients referred for support by their GPs.
I enjoy my work and am always keen to expand my knowledge by attending regular Continuous Professional Development training courses and reading widely.
I engage with essential monthly supervision which supports me to best support my clients.

To arrange a free initial chat to discuss your needs
Contact: +(44) 07308 117776
Just some examples of what we can help with.
Abuse (childhood, adulthood, physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, financial), Adverse childhood experiences, Ageing, Anger, Anxiety, Assault, Assertiveness, Bereavement, Bullying, Communication skills, Confidence, Depression Divorce/ separation, Domestic violence, Family issues, Grief, Guilt Intimacy issues, Life transitions, Loneliness, Loss (home, job, pet, relationship, friendship etc), Negative thinking, Overthinking, Panic Attacks, People pleasing, Peer relationships, Personal development, Physical health Relationship issues (work/ personal), Self-esteem, Self-harm, Sexuality issues, Stress, Suicidal thoughts, Suicidal bereavement, Trauma, Work issues.